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I Think, Therefore I am: Developing the Competence for Epistemological Thinking for Psychiatric Social Workers
作者 黃昱得
Following the movement toward professional institutionalization, social work in the contemporary era tends to uncritically endorse post-positivism in research and practice with the attempt to gain societal recognition as real professionals. However, in the context of a rapidly and enormously changing society, along with an increasingly diversified practical knowledge, the author of this article argues for the building of the competence of social workers for epistemological thinking-an ability to analyze, critique, and synthesize knowledge-as essential to fully serve the mission of the profession, and, more importantly, to establish a professional distinctive space. An epistemological paradigm contains a set of statements with respect to the nature, assumptions, applications, and limitations of knowledge. Four epistemological paradigms have been delineated in the existing literature including positivism, post-positivism, constructivism, and critical theory. In addition, the holistic approach, which is rooted in Chinese philosophy, has been a widely practiced paradigm in the Chinese context. To demonstrate the competence for epistemological thinking, this article used these four paradigms to synthesize and structure the literature in relation to depression, a significant issue that has been extensively addressed by psychiatric social workers. As a summary table is made to situate knowledge within the four paradigms, it becomes evident that knowledge developed in accordance with the four epistemological paradigms is relevant for, and should be integrated into, social work practice. As such, this article suggests that rather than being sorely attached to a particular epistemological paradigm, social workers need to develop a comprehensive familiarity with the various epistemological approaches in order to be responsive to the clients' wide range of needs. By utilizing the epistemological analysis model expounded in this article, it is hoped that epistemological thinking will be incorporated into social work education and training.
起訖頁 188-236
關鍵詞 全人取向批判理論建構主義後實證主義精神醫療社會工作psychiatric social workpost-positivismconstructivismcritical theoryholistic approach
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201412 (30期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 從男子氣概分析男性口腔癌存活者的韌性形成過程




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