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Evaluating Container Carriers, Critical Capabilities to Entry Forth-party Logistics Service
作者 劉亞寧
隨著物流整合之發展趨勢,扮演供應鏈整合者之第四方物流已成發展主流,本研究旨在以資源基礎理論為基礎,透過專家問卷進行層級分析,藉以找出定期航運業者進入四方物流市場所需具備之關鍵能力與核心資源。根據相關文獻與業界專家訪談共研擬出五個構面以及23 項評估準則,研究結果顯示定期航運業者經營四方物流最重要的能力構面依序為「物流服務能力」、「資訊整合能力」、「供應鏈整合能力」、「顧客回應能力」及「企業核心資源」;而最重要之五項能力屬性為「可靠的物流服務」、「供應鏈資訊整合」、「整合型物流服務」「供應鏈流程整合」及「企業物流解決方案」。
The fourth-party logistics service provider, a supply chain integrator, has played an important role for offering one-stop shopping logistics services to shippers. This study aims to identify the crucial resources and capabilities for container carriers to enter the fourth-party logistics market. The methodology used is the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) based on the resource-based view. A research framework including five dimensions of resources and capabilities with twenty three criteria is proposed based on in-depth interview and literature review. The results indicate that “logistics service capability" was perceived as the most important capability dimension for liner shipping firms to enter the fourth-party logistics. Further, the five most important capability attributes are “reliability of logistics service",“integration of IT", “integration of supply chain information",“integration of supply chain processes", and“provision of logistics solution".
起訖頁 71-91
關鍵詞 定期航運業第四方物流資源基礎理論層級分析法Container carriersForth party logisticsResource based viewAnalytical hierarchy processAHP
刊名 航運季刊  
期數 201312 (22:4期)
出版單位 中華民國航運學會
該期刊-上一篇 關稅局網站的服務需求分析——以高雄關稅局服務網站為例
該期刊-下一篇 汽車貨櫃貨運業於綠色投資決策分析——以A公司為個案研究




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