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A Preliminary Investigation on Formation and Structure of Bunun Literature
作者 魏貽君
The accomplishment of contemporary Bunun literary narratives, creations, and writings, including the three communication modes: singing and talking in oral literature, writing in writer literature, and digitalizing in cyberspace literature, has equipped with, from either a quantitative or qualitative perspective, the outlines for compiling 'History of Bunun Literature'.This paper explores the current accomplishment of 'Bunun literature' in relation to the structure significance of ‘History of Bunun literature' in the future, as well as attempts to figure out the similarities and differences between 'Bunun literature' and the literature of other indigenous peoples.While working on many a Bunun indigenous literary writer's cultural and identity development, this paper also studies Bunun narrative oral literature, writer literature, and their contextual and structural relations, in order to understand formation and structure of 'Bunun literature' in different social and cultural spaces.The scope of investigation in this paper focuses on the following three overlapping aspects: (1) Bunun-born literary creative writers and the significance retlected by the writers' life stories; (2) historical memories revealed by textual spaces and trails of cultural imagination and social adaptation; and (3) the map of choices made by Bunun-born literary creative writers for cultural practice strategies and literary communicative modes.Such an exploration of the rich 'Bunun literature' is considered as a key step for structuring 'history of ethnic literature' for Taiwan indigenous peoples.
起訖頁 153-194
關鍵詞 臺灣原住民文學布農族布農文學布農族文學史Taiwan indigenous literatureBununBunun literatureHistory of Bunun literature
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201306 (22期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 另一種群眾想像:現代性與殖民時期的劇場




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