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Taiwanese Scenery, Exoticism and Modernism ─Focusing on You Syoku-syou's Poetry and Poetics
作者 陳允元
In pre-war period, text dissemination provides a legitimacy foundation of the existence of modernism literature in Taiwan, instead of arguing about whether the level of urbanization and capitalization is enough to produce modernism or not. In addition, I consider that local color of Taiwanese scenery and “gaiti” (foreign land)‧colonial condition, are two important factors to produce Taiwan modernism literature in colonial period. This article focus on Surrealism poet You syoku-shou's poetry and poetics, analysis the relationship among Taiwanese scenery, exoticism and modernism, and try to define the aesthetics of You's Surrealism and its inner perspective. I find out that You's poetry is a self-gaze and self-description by “South” image, which is between local color and exoticism. It is not only the internalization and extension of empire perspective, but also the effort of Taiwan “h?nto jin” (native Taiwanese) writers to find the unique and subjectivity of Taiwanese literature in Japanese empire literature context. The transformation of perspectives is inevitably ambiguous.
起訖頁 133-162
關鍵詞 臺灣風土異國情調現代主義超現實主義楊熾昌殖民地現代主義Taiwanese sceneryExoticismModernismSurrealismYou syoku-syouColonial modernism
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201112 (19期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 一九四○年代臺灣日語小說之成立與台北帝國大學
該期刊-下一篇 余光中在一九七○年代臺港文學跨區域傳播影響論




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