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Who are shao chao, guan chao, yi, nai nong and shi yi? Identifying the authors of taiwan ri ri xin bao
作者 許俊雅
The main concern of this article is to find out the identity of the authors of several novels published in 'taiwan ri ri xin bao', who adopted different pseudo names at different times. For example, 'Prince of Denmark', 'leng jing' and 'yu chan' are all works which are adapted fromy 'in bian yan yu'. Judging from the styles of writing, it is argued that their alleged authors guan chao and shao chao Should indeed be the same person -Li Han-ru. It is also observed that he used the name nai nong in his 1910 works ('Cuiwei', 'devil's wife', 'xiao zi' and 'shen nu'), which are more mature and creative such that two of them are reprinted in some magazines in Mainland China. Other examples contain the case of Wang Tao, who used names such as yi and shi yi at different times. Indeed, Taiwanese writers in general, at that time, adapted many Chinese classic novels such as 'zui cha zhi guai', 'yin bian yan yu', 'hua guo ju tan' and 'Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio'. It is therefore important to identify the authors and origins of these Taiwanese classic literary works, which gave strong thrusts to the development of Taiwanese literature from mere mimicry to genuine creation. In this way, adequate interpretations of these texts can be made possible.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 李漢如王韜林紓漢文小說台灣古典文學Lee Han-ruWang TaoLin ShuNovels written in ChineseTaiwanese classic literature
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201112 (19期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 論「虞廷賡歌」的文化傳統及其在臺灣古典詩學中的意義




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