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“Developmental” narrative of novels during the late Japanese colonial period and meaning of “new-born” characters
作者 崔末順
研究日據末期文學時,一般都會特別注意日本的軍國主義化過程,以及法西斯體制的建立等時代的歷史變化對文學所引起的巨大影響,特別是從題材和主題等內容方面去考慮皇民化運動和文學之間的影響關係,或以是否為皇民文學來評斷作品時,更是如此。如果說文學能充分而真實地反映歷史和社會,那麼以時代巨變的一種反映來進行考察絕對是有其正當性的。 不過觀察既有研究,較為仔細分析日本法西斯思想邏輯和文學想像力關係的論著,並不多見。其主要原因,應該在於研究者一方面過度重視皇民化運動所造成的壓迫,另一方面又未能確實把握日本法西斯主義美學和思想的具體內容之故。所謂文學的想像力,是在當代各種領域的論述影響中所產生,因此如能正確把握當時支配論述實際上具有何種內容,以及如何影響文學層面以致形成特定的時代認知和感覺結構,就可以知道當時支配論述和文學之間的多層照應關係,從而並可考察時代狀況和文學的內部關聯性。 著眼於此,本論文將以日據末四○年代小說為對象,並把分析焦點著重在敘事結構和人物形象以及其處境的變化上面,尋找其與前時期小說不同的面貌,以探索日據末戰爭時期支配論述的內容之間的關聯性;其次,本文將嘗試以目前為止尚未見學界提出過的科學技術論述角度,探討龍瑛宗的〈青雲〉和陳火泉的〈道〉,仔細考察兩篇作品敘事方式轉變所隱含的意義以及人物新生的意義,以期能挖掘日據末期台灣文學的時代認知以及所反映的文學真實樣貌。
While conducting research on the novels during the late Japanese occupation period, it is common that we particularly pay attention to historical changes of the times, such as the process of Japanese militarization and the construction of Fascist system, causing huge impacts on the literature, especially the instance that the consideration of correlation between Kominka Movement and literature from materials and themes. If literature is said to enrich and honestly reflect the history and society, then it will be appropriate to study by reflection of changes of the times. But observing of existing studies, there are rare treatises that carefully analyze the relation between thought logic of Japanese Fascist and Literary Imagination. The main reason should be that the researchers overemphasized the oppression from Kominka Movement so that imprecisely hold the concrete content of Japanese Fascism aesthetics and thought. The so called literary imagination is generated by contemporary discussion of any domain. Therefore, if it is correctly hold that the actual content of dominant discussion at the time, and how it influence the literature to form special recognition of the time and sensation structure, then relations between the dominant discussion and the literature in multiple level will be known. As a result, internal correlation between temporal situation and literature can be properly inspected. Having this concept in mind, based on novels in the 40's the late Japanese colonial period the article focuses on narrative structures and characters and their situation variations, to look for the distinct appearance from the early novels and discover the relation between discussion of control in the late Japanese colonial period. Furthermore, the article discusses Blue Cloud by Lung Ying-Chung and Chen Huo-Chuan Road in view of discussion of technology, which was not been proposed in the academic circle, so that to investigate more carefully about embedded meanings of variation of narrative method and the meaning of new-born characters, looking forward to presenting the contemporary recognition and the reflected image of Taiwan literature during the late Japanese colonial period.
起訖頁 27-51
關鍵詞 日據末期小說戰爭論述科技論述敘事方式小說結構人物形象Novels during the late Japanese colonial periodDiscourse of warDiscussion of technologyNarrative methodNovel structureCharacters
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201106 (18期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從醬園弄到鹿港:詹周氏殺夫的跨國演繹
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣社會「立字」形成的鏡與燈——「省政文藝叢書」中的現代化變遷書寫




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