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Imagining Native Places in Taiwanese Women's Literature : With a Focus on Chen Xue's The Child on the Bridge
作者 白水紀子
In this article, I interpret The Child on the Bridge from the perspective of “women's imaginings of native places,” and discuss how the experiences of her native place at a night fair resulted on the one hand in indelible confusion in the process of her self-understanding, but later had a great influence in her acquisition of a perspective that understands identity as a constantly changing process and attaches importance to its compositeness and plurality. Chen Xue's novels have reflected the course of her psychotherapy over a long period of time, and it could be said that with The Child on the Bridge, when she became able to objectify her memories, rebuild her memories of her parents, and share memories with others, that is to say, when she became able to bring some sort of order to these confused memories and affirm her current self as a fluid and pluralistic entity, she finally gained the opportunity to repair relations with her native place and her parents. The Child on the Bridge highlights the heterogeneity of women's experiences of native places through the depiction of the experiences of her mother and herself pertaining to sex and gender in their native place.
起訖頁 45-65
關鍵詞 陳雪橋上的孩子女性鄉土想像身分認同女性身體經驗Chen XueThe Child on the BridgeWomen's imaginings of native placesIdentityWomen's physical experiences
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201012 (17期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 葉石濤與陳映真:八○年代臺灣左翼小說的兩個面向
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣皇民化時期官方宣傳的建構與虛實:論真杉靜枝「沙韻之鐘」翻案作品




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