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The private/self(私 wadasi) reading history of Taiwan Intellectuals under Japan rule: Focusing on Taiwan Japanese Writers
作者 王惠珍
日治時期殖民地台灣尚未出現所謂閱讀「大眾」,讀者間存有城鄉、階級等的身份差異問題,因此本文將討論對象設定以日語作家為主的知識份子,試圖梳理他們的閱讀經驗,從物質文化層面探討他們的閱讀材料與當時日本內地的出版文化產業的關係,即日本國內為消解書籍生產過剩的壓力,出版業者如何藉由書籍販賣的管道,將帝國的知識體系傾銷到殖民地,而殖民地知識青年又如何借力使力,藉由大量閱讀積累自己的文化資本,建構屬於殖民地的知識體系,展開本土文化論述。 本文首先將探討殖民地宗主國的出版型態,如昭和初年「圓本」(えんぽん)與文庫本的譯本大量出版,使得昭和知識份子不必如明治知識份子般的閱讀原文書方能獲取新知,而是透過譯本直接迅速廣泛粗淺地涉獵歐美文化。而這樣的物質資源究竟提供殖民地知識份子怎樣的閱讀可能?隨著帝國版圖的擴張和日語的普及,台灣的讀書市場成為日本內地書商銷售過期雜誌和二手書的重要市場之一,因物質性文化資源的流通,提供了殖民地知識份子怎樣的閱讀文本?他們又如何取得這些資源有效地轉化積累個人的文化資本,以作為殖民地現代化的知識基礎。其次,筆者將以日治時代台灣作家的藏書與個人日記為研究資料,說明戰前台灣知識份子可能的閱讀內容,釐清他們如何透過日譯本的閱讀建構個人的知識體系。最後,將探討於戰時「支那」相關書籍出版熱潮中,他們又進行怎樣的閱讀以建構其「支那」相關知識?以期勾勒出戰前殖民地知識份子的閱讀私史。
The reading “public” during the Japanese colonization period hadn't disappeared in Taiwan, there were identical differences such as urban and rural, and classes, etc. among the readers. This essay will discuss about the Taiwan Japanese writers, trying to card their reading experiences, to probe into the relationship between their reading material and contemporary Japan mainland publication industry, that is, to mitigate the pressure of overproduction of books in Japan mainland, the publication industry dumped the knowledge institution of the Japan empire to the colony through the trafficking pipeline of books. The essay will also discuss about how the young intellectuals of colony traded on its strength accumulating their own cultural capital through considerable reading, thus to build the knowledge system belonging to the colony, and to expand the discourse of local culture. This essay will firstly investigate the publication forms of the colonial sovereign, such as the great amount of publication of translation of the “enhon”(圓本,)and pocketbooks in the early years of Showa(昭和)era, which made the Showa intellectuals dabble at the European and American cultures directly and rapidly, and this was different from the Meiji(明治)intellectual who could get new knowledge only through reading the original texts. After all, what reading possibilities did this material resource provide for the colony intellectuals? With the expansion of empire territory and the widespread of Japanese language, the Taiwan reading market became one of the important markets to which the bookmen in Japan mainland sold overdue magazines and secondhand books. What kinds of reading texts did the colonial intellectuals get through the circulation of material culture resource? Furthermore, how did they transform these resources into individual cultural capital, which were to be the knowledge basis for modernization of the colony? Secondly, the book collections and dairies of the Taiwan writers during Japan governance period will be my research material. I will illustrate the possible reading content of Taiwan intellectuals, and explain how they built individual knowledge system through reading the Japanese translation. Finally, I will discuss about how they build the knowledge of “Sina” in the upsurge of publication about Sina during wartime. I anticipate that I could draw the outline of the private/self reading history of the Taiwanese intellectuals under Japan colonial rule.
起訖頁 33-52
關鍵詞 閱讀物質文化翻譯支那ReadingMaterial cultureTranslationSina
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201006 (16期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 啟蒙、人道主義與前現代我族的凝視——呂赫若作為左翼作家歷史定位的再商榷
該期刊-下一篇 隱喻與對抗論述:決戰時期張文環的民俗書寫策略




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