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Nakamura kokyou's Colony Travel in the early Taisho period
作者 邱雅芳
東京帝大文學科出身的中村古峽(Nakamura Kokyou,1881-1952),在一九一三年初(大正2年)來台灣旅行,透過這個契機,他留下兩篇台灣相關作品〈到鵝鑾鼻〉(1913)與〈來自蕃地〉(1916)。〈到鵝鑾鼻〉與〈來自蕃地〉所描繪的風景,是作者深入屏東原住民部落的親身經歷。作品的特殊性即在於作者所行經的地方並非一般觀光客容易到達的景點,在當時交通不便的狀況下,中村古峽是以「探險」的心情,來完成這些行旅。為何中村古峽要費盡千辛萬苦,走到台灣最南端去參觀鵝鑾鼻燈塔?他又是以何種心情來到牡丹社事件發生的所在地?這些始末,透過他的文字或許可以得到解答。本文的研究企圖,在於透過中村古峽的台灣相關作品,以觀察近代旅行者的旅行視域,並側面理解大正初期日本人的台灣印象。
Nakamura Kokyou(1881-1952), graduating from Department of Literature, Imperial Tokyo University, made a trip to Taiwan in 1913, and produced two pieces of writings about Taiwan: “To the lighthouse of Erh-luan-pi”(1913) and “From barbarian tribes”(1916). The scene depicted in both works was actually his personal experience in aboriginal tribes deep into Ping-tung respectively. The peculiarity of the works well exemplified Nakamura's hardship as adventure on the trip when the condition of transportation was extremely inconvenient. Why did Nakamura tried every possible way to reach the lighthouse of Erh-luan-pi at the south end of the island? In what kind of mood did he visit Mu-tan-she where the bloody incident had occurred before? The answers to these questions would be found in the examination of texts in his works. This study attempts to observe colonial traveler's eyes on the trip and to further understand Japanese initial impression of Taiwan in the early Emperor Taisho period.
起訖頁 165-197
關鍵詞 蕃地南方中村古峽牡丹社事件鵝鑾鼻燈塔Barbarian tribesSouthNakamura KokyouThe Mu-Tan-she IncidentErh-luan-pi lighthouse
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 200912 (15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣文化的主體追求:楊逵主編「中國文藝叢書」的選輯策略
該期刊-下一篇 造心景,抑或安天命?論劉大任《園林內外》中的園林觀與書寫特質




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