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為何憎恨女人?: 《臺北人》之尹雪艷案例
Hatred to women? The Yin Hsueh-yen case in Taipei People
作者 蘇偉貞
〈永遠的尹雪艷〉作為《台北人》首篇小說,其女主角尹雪艷更被視為「台北人」定調人物,尹雪艷宛如「女祭司」、「觀世音」的造型,如墜落凡間的精靈,但梳理《台北人》中女性角色,從尹雪艷以降,往往歷盡滄桑,難逃被打入輪迴的宿命,〈一把青〉朱青、〈金大班的最後一夜〉金兆麗、〈孤戀花〉總司令及旗下五寶和娟娟,非淪落風塵即身世坎坷。白先勇自言「女人滄桑感最強」,但就因為滄桑感強,她們便得「經過幾個男人,經過幾個折騰」嗎?檢視白先勇筆下不乏「男性美和女性醜惡強烈對比的描寫」,從心理學角度可視為一種作者敵意投射,果真如此嗎?何以故?新進西方心理臨床治療者亞當.朱克思(Adam Jukes)針對苛待問題從精神分析理論出發,發展出「憎女心理」新領域,他認為僧女心理具有普遍性,亦即人性。本文試圖由亞當‧朱克思「憎女理論」為切入點,就(白先勇)《台北人》憎惡女性嗎?尹雪艷作為領軍出場的「台北(女)人」是否單一案例等問題,進行多方面探討,並與作者對話。
“The Eternal Snow Beauty”, as the first fiction of the collection in Taipei People, has a significant meaning, that is, the heroine Yin Hsueh- yen in this fiction was regarded as a priestess, Bodhisattva, and the fiend who fell to the earth. Then according to the heroines in Taipei people, it's a scenario that all of them would encounter the bad fortune and never end it, for example, Verdancy Chu in “A Touch of Green”, Jolie chin in “The last Night of Taipan Chin”, then Commander- in-Chief, Baby Five and Dainty in “Love's Lone Flower” and so on. Their fate, not only to be a prostitute reluctantly and face endless difficulties, as the author Pai Hsien-Yung once said, ”women they have great sense of agony”, at this point, should they need to face the endless lovers and sufferings? Furthermore, there is no doubt that in Pai's novels, he describes so many opposite contrast between the wonderfulness of men while ugliness of women, at this point, we may wonder can it be regarded as a hostile reflection towards women in psychology, and why? Adam Jukes, the newly coming psychology clinical therapist, develops a new field of misogyny that based on the abuse problems and dissects it from the psychoanalysis theory, as far as he's concerned, misogyny is an universal phenomenon. Therefore, this paper would communicate with author and approach multilateral dimensions in it, then further discuss whether it's a misogyny in Taipei people or not, and also, is Yin Hsueh- yen a only case in this novel? That is the question.
起訖頁 77-105
關鍵詞 白先勇臺北人尹雪艷憎女心理苛待Pai Hsien-yungTaipei peopleYin Hsueh-yenMisogynyAbuse
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 200906 (14期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 Immigration, Nationalism, and Suicide: Pai Hsien-yung and Pai Ching-jui's Chinese Obsessions and American Dreams
該期刊-下一篇 暗示——白先勇小說中的語義結構之建構單元




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