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Edition Research of Lin Zan-Mei's Qien Yuan Qin Yu Cau
作者 徐慧鈺
清中葉北臺詩人林古梅(1821-1868),能詩、能文、能書、能畫、能騎、能射,是台灣史上不可多得,允文允武之才子。 林占梅是筆者多年來所關注之研究主題,從民國八十一年的碩士論文《林占梅先生年譜》至民國九十二年的博士論文《林古梅園林生活之研究》,皆以林占梅為研究對象。隨著臺灣研究風氣之蓬勃發展,林占梅亦廣泛的受到學者之青睞,學者對從文學、家族史、文化史、音樂、繪畫、建築等各個角度,展開全方位之研究,而學者們皆以林古梅之詩集《潛園琴餘草》為主要之資料來源。然林占梅之《潛園琴餘草》,因其生前未曾刊刻全集,故後世所流傳者或其手抄本,或其刊刻不全之選本,據筆者之研究,現存者有「台灣分館藏抄本」、「《臺灣詩薈》刊本」、「新竹文獻會刊本」、「李清河所藏抄本」及筆者於民國八十二所編《林占梅資料彙編.潛園琴餘草》等。面對諸多版本,且差異頗大,對於研究之學者而言,實是一大阻礙。在林占梅之研究己蔚然開展之今日,對其著作《潛園琴餘草》版本之研究,實乃當務之急。 本文希望透過《潛園琴餘草》版本考,可以比較各版本之優劣,並可對此詩集之校對、輯佚多所助益,且對林占梅之事跡多所補充,以釐清一些問題,可供學者研究之參考。
Lin Zan-Mei has been my research subject for many years. My MA dissertation is titled, 'The Chronology of Lin Zan-Mei' (1992); my Doctorial thesis is 'Un Zan-Mei Garden Life' (2003). And I have recently been invited by Lien-He University to compose the essay, 'the Research of Lin Zan-Mei's Recital Poem of Plum.' All the above research are based on Lin Zan-Mei's Qien Yuan Qin Yu eau. Because Lin Zan-Mei did not publish the full text of Qien Yuan Qin Yu eau in his lifetime, there have been different editions of Qien Yuan Qin Yu eau existent now either in the form of false manuscript or incomplete text. The editions include 'the manuscript collected in Taiwan branch library,' 'the edition of Taiwan Poetry,' 'the edition of Xin-Zu Documentary Society,' 'the manuscript stored by Un Qin-He,' 'the Bibliography of Un Zan-Mei: Qien Yuan Qin Yu eau' (which is edited by me), and 'The Complete Taiwan Poetry: Qien Yuan Qin Yu eau' which is still in proof reading process under my hands. There exist many differences among these editions. Because Lin Zan-Mei is now a very hot research topic, it is an urgent task to do an edition research on the above versions. This essay is a comparison of the merits and faults of each version, hoping that it could be a help to the scholars interested in Lin Zan-Mei Study.
起訖頁 105-154
關鍵詞 林占梅潛園琴餘草版本輯佚校對Lin Zan-meiQien Yuan Qin Yu CauEditionCompilationProofreading
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 200612 (9期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 《鳴鼓集》反佛教破戒文學的創作與儒釋知識社群的衝突
該期刊-下一篇 異質空間:論菽莊的空間象徵及其意義




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