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Discussion on the Worth of Study on Yeh Jung-Chung's Poem Manuscripts and Related Information
作者 廖振富
葉榮鐘(1900-1978)是台灣當代重要文化人與文學家,一生跨越日治及戰後兩大階段,過去其有關台灣歷史與人物的著述較為學界所知,近年其文學理論與新舊文學創作也逐漸受到重視。二○○三年起,葉氏家屬將其生前所遺留之著述手稿、剪報、筆記、藏書、書信等珍貴資料,陸續捐贈給清華大學圖書館,目前正由該館進行數位化工程,並已建構網站,以方便各界使用。這批珍貴的第一手資料,將對台灣文史研究提供不小的助益。 本文即擬針對清華大學圖書館珍藏的葉氏手稿,及份量龐大的其他相關資料,以葉氏古典詩集《少奇吟草》為中心,分析其多方面的研究價值。在簡述這批詩稿及其相關資料之內容後,筆者分別從五個角度,詳細舉例說明其研究價值所在:(一)可進行作品的全新校勘,比較文字異同,並更正新舊版刊印本之錯別字。(二)可蒐集比對《少奇吟草》未收錄之作品,增加研究文本,深化葉榮鐘詩作之研究。(三)可補充或修正刊印本《少奇吟草》之記載,增加作品創作背景之瞭解。(四)可據以探討葉榮鐘詩歌創作之師友淵源、精神傳承,以及實際修改過程。(五)可提供探討葉榮鐘新舊詩比較、創作取法對象與寫作特質的新資料。其中葉榮鐘手抄魯迅詩稿、及葉榮鐘的新詩創作,都是前所未見的研究文本,尤以葉榮鐘古典詩與魯迅舊詩精神相契的新發現最具敢發性意義,預期可拓展全新的視野,深化台灣古典詩之相關研究。筆者並在結語中就如何善用這批資料進行研究,提出三點具體可行的分析與建議。
This thesis is intended to focus on Yeh, Jung-chung's manuscripts and a large amount of related information, which were contributed by his kindred for storage of the library of National Tsing Hua University. The study is based mainly on Yeh's poems to prove their worth for study by analyzing them from different angles. After the capsule description of Yeh's poem manuscripts and related information is given, there are five angles provided to give a comprehensive explanation for the worth of study on Yeh's poet manuscripts and related information: 1. The manuscripts would be proofread and there are overlapping comparisons and contrasts among the manuscripts and Yeh's published poetry. According to Yeh's manuscripts, the erratum in both new and old edition of Yeh 's poetry could be rectified. 2. The poems not embodied in Splendor in the Grass -A Venture of Poetry would be collected and compared to enrich textual research and deepen the research on Yeh's poems. 3. The previous account for the poetry Splendor in the Grass -A Venture of Poetry may be corrected to provide more understanding of the background information of poems written. 4. The relationship building between teachers and friends, spiritual transference, and actual modifying process of Yeh's creation of poetry could be further discussed. 5. The comparison of Yeh's modern and classical poems, his poems derived from other examples and writing characteristics could be discussed as well. The copied version of Lu, hsun's poems from Yeh and Yeh's modern poems are unprecedented texts. The results of this research can be expected to extend a whole new viewpoint of study on Taiwanese classical poems. I also provide three workable analysis and suggestions on how to take advantages of the newly discovered manuscripts and related information in my conclusion.
起訖頁 13-43
關鍵詞 葉榮鐘櫟社古典詩手稿臺灣文學少奇吟草Yeh, Jung-chungLi-poetic organizationClassical poemManuscriptTaiwanese literatureSplendor in the Grass--A Venture of Poetry
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 200612 (9期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「黑色的淚」英譯本序言 (一九八六)
該期刊-下一篇 蓬萊風景與遺民世界——洪棄生詩歌探析




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