英文摘要 |
This paper deals with the description of basic emotions in the 'Zuozhuan'左傳. Based on an analysis of the six basic emotions oflike (hao好), dislike (wu惡), joy (xi喜), anger (nu怒) sorrow (ai哀) and happiness (le樂) in the 'Zuozhuan', the paper discusses whatthe context, in which these emotions appear, reveals about themeaning of these basic emotions in the 'Zuozhuan'. Special attentionis given to the different levels of abstraction in the discussion ofthese emotions and the role these abstractions play in developingtheories about emotions. In this context the combined use of twoopposite emotions terms like joy/anger (xinu喜怒) is given specialattention to. These terms are used in order to refer to one set ofemotions in a more abstract manner which allows the developmentof theories on emotions . This research is seen as the basis of futureresearch on value judgments and their theoretical justification inearly China. |