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Vietnamese Epigraphy and the Study of Vietnamese History
作者 耿慧玲
The study of history rests on theory, method, and evidence. Written and material records form the bases of both the eastern and western historical tradition. The differences in media also made the records themselves differ in terms of genre and content. The Chinese epigraphic habit influenced neighboring countries and peoples. Korea, Japan and Vietnam have significant quantities of Chinese inscription. Vietnam has not conducted systematic study on its Chinese inscription due to constant war. This paper describes the historical development and the current state of research for Vietnamese epigraphy, and discusses the traits of a Han-Viet culture that is manifest on inscriptions. Finally, this paper discusses how to employ inscriptions with Han-Viet cultural traits for the purpose of studying Vietnamese History. Han-type inscriptions in southern Vietnam only comprises of 5% of total Chinese inscriptions, but their era lies in the pre-modern period, and can be studied in the context of the Age of Discovery and later the colonial period. These inscriptions can be used to discuss the Chinese diaspora and Chinese migration. Lifestyle of the Chinese diaspora, as well as how it is correlated with the coolie trade in world history, are questions that can be asked by employing Vietnam epigraphy. In turn, Vietnamese epigraphy will not only be restricted to local or regional significance.
起訖頁 3-18
關鍵詞 越南Vietnam銘刻Inscription漢式銘刻Han-type Inscription漢越型文化Han-Viet Culture苦力貿易Coolie Trade
刊名 止善  
期數 201406 (16期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-下一篇 迤邐之聲起江南




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