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The Research of Child Non-verbal Intelligence Performance in The Foreign Spouse Family
作者 蔣姿儀 (Chiang, Tzu-Yi)
本研究旨在探討外籍配偶的學齡前子女非語文智力之表現,本研究探量化研究方法,以托尼非語文智力測驗來評量幼兒之非語文智力表現,並以台中市公立幼稚園外籍配偶的學齡前子女為主要取樣對象,探用分層隨機與叢集取樣的方式,抽取台中市東區、西區、南區、北區、中區、西屯區、北屯區與南屯區等共八區,九所公立幼稚園,計56人為本研究之對象。研究結果發現:一、外籍配偶的學齡前子女家庭背景方面:(一)外籍配偶的學齡前子女,其父母雙方年齡差異頗大,父母雙方年齡相差平均為12歲。(二)外籍配偶的學齡前子女,其父母的教育程度,以父親較高,中國大陸籍配偶幼兒之父親或母親,其教育程度平均較東南亞籍幼兒之父母親高。(三)外籍配偶的學齡前子女,其父母的職業大都屬於非技術性與半技術性領域,而在半專業性領域者非常少,並無專業性工作職業的父母。二、外籍配偶的學齡前子女非語文智力之表現:(一)外籍配偶的學齡前子女非語文智力之IQ平均為101. 86,標準差為14.23;整體的百分等級為52.32,標準差為27.81 。(二)年齡方面,外籍配偶的學齡前子女非語文智力測驗百分等級表現,在四歲為58 .44,五歲為49.29,六歲為54.56 。(三)在外籍配偶的學齡前子女中雪中國大陸籍母親幼兒的非語文智力之分數高於東南亞籍母親之幼兒。三、外籍配偶家庭背景因素與其幼兒非語文智力表現之關係:(一)外籍配偶的學齡前子女非語文智力分數與其父母親年齡無顯著相關。(二)外籍配偶的學齡前子女之非語文智力之表現雪與其父母親的職業無關。(三)在所有的家庭背景變頂上,僅有外籍配偶學齡前子女的母親之教育程度與其幼兒非語文智力表現有關。
The purpose of this research is to discuss non-verbal intelligence performance in prescho01 children of the foreign spouse family. This research adopts quantization research approach, and uses Toni II Test of Nonverbal Intelligence to measure child non-verbal intelligence performance. The subjects, 56 preschool children in the foreign spouse family, selected by stratified random sampling in 9 public kindergartens in Taichung City. The major findings are as follows: 1. The finding in family background (1). The age discrepancy between parents of preschool children in the foreign spouse family is greatly, the average age differs by 12 years. (2).The education degree in child parents from mainland China is far higher than those from Southeast Asia countries. (3).Jobs of the foreign spouse are mostly in mechanic and half mechanic field, and few in professional domain. 2. The non-verbal intelligence performance in children of the foreign spouse family (l).The IQ of the non-verbal intelligence test is 101.86 points on average, the standard deviation is 14.23; percenti1e rank of whole performance is 52.32, standard deviation is 27.81. (2).The percentile rank of non-verbal intelligence performance differs in age. 58.44 points in four years old , 49.29 points in five years old, 54.56 points in 6 years old. (3).The non-verbal intelligence performance in children with Chinese mothers get higher scores than those with Southeast Asian mothers. 3. The relation between children's family background and the non-verbal intelligence performance (l).The child non-verbal inte1ligence performance and their parents' age is not differenced correlation in the foreign spouse family . (2).The chíld non-verbal intelligence performance in the foreign spouse family is not related to their parents' job. (3) .In all family background factors, only the mother's education degree has correlation with the child's non-verbal intelligence performance.
起訖頁 92-117
關鍵詞 外籍配偶學齡前子女非語文智力foreign spousenon-verbal intelligencepreschool children
刊名 幼兒教育年刊  
期數 200806 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 幼兒對遊戲之圖畫表現:遊戲者之觀點
該期刊-下一篇 從家長的觀點探討幼兒運動遊戲課程目標




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