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運用 Swanson 關懷照護於機構老年新住民之護理經驗
Nursing Experience of Applying Swanson's Caring Theory in Caring for a Newly Admitted Older Resident
作者 溫芯寧吳宏蘭 (Hung-Lan Wu)楊月穎 (Yueh-Ying Yang)
This article described the nursing experience of caring for an elderly resident newly admitted because of a decline in health status. The older resident exhibited signs of insecurity, a sense of abandonment, low self-esteem, distrust, anxiety and depression. The nursing period was from October 20th to December 16th, 2012. By observing, interviewing and assessing, the nursing problems were identified, including anxiety, malnutrition, low self-esteem and risk for loneliness. Following Swanson's caring theory, the primary nurse applied effective communication and interpersonal skills to build a therapeutic and trusting relationship with the resident. The nurse provided supportive and safe environment and care with the resident to improve his sense of security and trust through understanding and presence. Therefore, the levels of loneliness, anxiety and depression were decreased, and the levels of self-esteem and the ability of self-care were improved so that he could adapt to the new environment.
起訖頁 161-170
關鍵詞 Swanson 關懷理論長照機構新住民Swanson's caring theory long-term care facility new resident
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201404 (18:1期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 一位害怕跌倒老人居家護理個案之照護經驗




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