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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Development of Parental Psychological Control Questionnaire |
作者 |
程景琳 (Ching-Ling Cheng) |
中文摘要 |
心理控制是一種相對隱伏性的父母控制行為,藉由限制及操縱子女的心理與情緒經驗,而影響了孩子的心理自主性。本研究旨在發展多向度的「父母心理控制量表」,並以父親版本及母親版本分別測量青少年子女知覺其父親及母親,在親子互動中對子女進行心理控制的程度。本研究先以554名國中生進行量表的預試,根據項目分析及探索性因素分析的結果,決定12題的正式量表,其中包含四個分向度:削弱想法、引發愧感、貶抑個人、收回關愛。再以226名國中生及883名國小高年級學生為二組研究樣本,進行正式量表之信度與效度檢驗。信度分析結果顯示,「父親心理控制量表」與「母親心理控制量表」在國中與國小組都具有良好的內部一致性。驗證性因素分析結果顯示,二組觀察資料與所提出的四因素模式,都有不錯的適配度。另外,父母心理控制與正向的親子互動(即民主權威、信任、溝通)有負向關聯、與負向的親子互動(即獨斷專權、忽視冷漠、疏離)有正向關聯,與青少年子女的關係攻擊、關係受害及社交焦慮呈現正相關,但與子女的同儕受歡迎度為負相關。綜而言之,本量表之信度與效度皆獲得支持。 |
英文摘要 |
Psychological control refers to a type of insidious parental control. It is a kind of parenting behavior that constrains and manipulates children’s psychological and emotional experiences, thus it could invade psychological autonomy of children. The purpose of this study was to develop a multi-dimensional Parental Psychological Control Questionnaire (PPCQ) to measure the degree of paternal and maternal psychological control that adolescents perceived from parenting behaviors. A total of 554 junior-highschool students participated in the pretest study. Based on the results of item analysis and exploratory factor analysis, four dimensions were identified in PPCQ. This measure, with 3 items in each dimension, is a self-report four-point Likert-type scale. Two samples of students, representing pre-and early adolescence, were used for examining the psychometric quality of PPCQ. One sample was 226 junior-high-school students and the other sample was 883 senior-graders of primary school. The internal consis tency of the Father and Mother version of PPCQ in two samples was satisfactory. The construct validity of PPCQ was inspected through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), concurrent validity and discriminant validity. The results of CFA indicated the model fit was acceptable. In addition, the correlation results showed that parental psychological control was related in expected ways to parenting style and parent-child attachment, as well as children’s social and psychological adjustment. Overall, psychometric evaluation demonstrated that PPCQ is statistically reliable and valid. |
起訖頁 |
239-258 |
關鍵詞 |
父親心理控制、母親心理控制、青少年、Adolescents、Maternal psychological control、Paternal psychological control |
刊名 |
測驗學刊 |
期數 |
201406 (61:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
「國小學童霸凌經驗量表」之編製與應用 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
「大一新生學校生活適應量表」之發展 |