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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Combined Misconceptions' Domain for Students with Misconceptions' Order Algorithm Proposal |
作者 |
蔡清斌、許天維、曾建維、永井正武 |
中文摘要 |
近年來,學習迷思廣泛地在學術界上運用,且已獲得相當好的成果,本研究擬對學生迷思區結合迷思次序演算法做出提案。本研究以GRA(灰關聯分析法)結合S-P表(Student-Problem Chart)所建立之GSP表(greystudent-problem chart),選取GSP表之學生Gamma值為0.5附近的學生,定義為學習迷思學生區(misconceptions’ domain for students),並對迷思學生的答題狀況進行分析,選取迷思學生不同時答對與不同時答錯的題目,表示為其易產生迷思之問題,並將之定義為學習迷思問題區(misconceptions’ domain for problems),透過教師所建立之問題概念表(problem-concept chart),可對照出迷思概念表(misconception chart),即可定義出迷思率與迷思序,此種方法加上有效迷思半徑的選取,可預測學生概念迷思之所在,並可將之應用於排除學習迷思上。 |
英文摘要 |
In recent years, the learning misconceptions are widely applied in academic community, and it have obtained good results. This paper makes a proposal to the misconception’s domain for students district binding misconceptions’ order algorithm. This study proposes GSP Chart (grey student-problem chart) which combines misconceptions’ domain for students with misconceptions’ order. This study proposes GSP Chart which combines S-P Chart (Student-Problem Chart) with GRA (Grey Relational Analysis). This paper selects the students whose gamma value is near 0.5 from the GSP chart. Those students are defined as the learning misconceptions’ domain for students. Then the study analyze those students’ answers and select the right and wrong answers created by those Misconceptions’ Students at the different time. It is said that the misconceptions’ questions are defined as the learning misconceptions’ domain for problems. Through the problem-concept chart conducted by teachers, the study can define the misconceptions’ rate and the misconceptions’ order by comparing the misconception chart. Combined the effective misconceptions’ radius of selection, this method can not only predict where students’ misconception is, but also apply to the remedial instruction. |
起訖頁 |
183-211 |
關鍵詞 |
GSP表、S-P表、迷思序、學習迷思、GRA、GSP chart、Learning misconceptions、Misconception order、S-P chart |
刊名 |
測驗學刊 |
期數 |
201406 (61:2期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
「幼兒工作記憶測驗」之編製 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
「國小學童霸凌經驗量表」之編製與應用 |