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Development and Validation of the Perceived Risk of Web Survey Questionnaire (PRWSQ)
作者 許獻元賴怡樺金忻瑩
相較於傳統的紙本或電話訪問等調查方式,網路調查面臨更嚴重的低回收率問 題,回收率過低可能會威脅網路調查之品質,故如何有效提升受訪者網路問卷之填 答意願實為重要課題。本研究擬發展的「網路調查風險知覺量表」,係以風險知覺 理論為依據,並從中挑選出兩個重要的構面:隱私風險與時間風險,每個構面各有 五個題項。本研究以609位大學生為研究對象,以紙本問卷蒐集資料後進行交叉效 度驗證,EFA的分析結果支持有兩個因素可被萃取,而CFA的結果則是進一步確 認二因子的測量模型能合理地適配資料,結果顯示量表具有良好的建構效度。該量 表各個構面的題目所測得分數之內部一致性分別為0.78 (隱私風險)以及0.72 (時 間風險),總量表之內部一致性為0.80,結果數值為合理範圍。基於本研究所編製 之量表,未來研究可繼續探討隱私、時間風險與網路問卷填答率之間的關係。
Compared to other self-administered survey modes (e.g. mail, telephone), web surveys encounter more difficulties with low response rates. It is not surprising then that increasing participants’ willingness to respond to web surveys has became the most important issue in survey methodology. In the current study, the Perceived Risk of Web Survey Questionnaire (PRWSQ) was developed based on Perceived Risk Theory. PRWSQ comprised two constructs (privacy and time risks) that were measured by 5 items, respectively. Survey data consisting of 609 college students’ responses to PRWSQ were analyzed for cross validation of score validity (EFA and CFA). Results indicated that a two-factor measurement model was validated. Moreover, the internal consistency reliabilities for privacy risk subscale, time risk subscale, and overall PRWSQ were 0.78, 0.72, and 0.80, respectively. Future studies are encouraged to investigate the relationship between response rates of web surveys and privacy and time risks.
起訖頁 351-368
關鍵詞 風險知覺理論量表發展塡答率網路調查measurement developmentperceived risk theoryresponse rateweb surveys
刊名 測驗學刊  
期數 201306 (60:2期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 納入背景變項對群體參數估計之影響的模擬與實徵研究
該期刊-下一篇 「中學生領導表現觀察量表」之編製




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