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篇名 |
How Student、Expectation on Rating of Teachers Influences Their Rating Behaviours?
並列篇名 |
學生對教學評鑑之知覺影響其評定行為的研究 |
作者 |
鄭夙珍、林邦傑 |
中文摘要 |
雖然題目内容與執行形式各異,由學生評等教師之「學生教學評鑑」巳是無分 中外高等教育學府每學期必然實施之重要評鑑工作。教學評鑑由學生填答,學生對 教學評鑑的知覺與行為影響評鑑結果之效度與應用價值。本研究主要從實質效度 (substantive validity)和期待理論建立學生對教師評鑑的知覺對其在評鑑過程中投 入程度的因果模式。在驗證模式時,先對16位大學生進行焦點圑體訪談,蒐集大 學生對教師評鑑的知覺與行為,再以結構式問卷蒐集1,235位大學生的反應資料, 並以線性結構方程模式驗證本研究因果模式之適配度。研究發現,學生對評鑑影響 力之知覺和上課出席率會影響其在評鑑過程中的投入度與不投入度,也會透過前述 兩者間接影響學生評定教師時考量學習因素(課程内容和教師)和其他因素(班級 課業負荷與及格率)的程度。本研究也發現,學生在投入評鑑過程的準備(如對評 鑑重要性的強調、價值的澄清及結果之處理),對於評鑑結果之價值雖有明確影 響,卻常在執行過程中被忽視;本研究提醒教學評鑑執行者,將教學評鑑執行宣導 視為與評鑑工具之心理計量特徵同等重要之評鑑重要一環。 |
英文摘要 |
Despite considerable disparity as to its value and practice, student evaluation of teaching is a common practice for almost every university around the world, especially when accountability is centre stage and there are few alternatives available for assessing the quality of teaching. Student evaluation of teaching may be employed in various fo-cus-of-content and implementation processes. One essential practice to ensure its value is to understand students’ mindsets in responding to the evaluation. This paper investigates students’ perceptions and behaviours in responding to teacher evaluation. It postulates and confirms the relationship between perceptions and behaviours based on expectancy theory. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used; the former, in the form of focus interviews, were conducted to extract students’ perceptions and behaviours towards the responding process, and to construct the questionnaire. It was then presented as a students survey (N = 1,235) by a private comprehensive university, in order to discover the relationship between perceptions and behaviours through exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modelling.It was found that students’ perceptions of the influence directly impacted their engagement/disengagement in the process and indirectly affected their rating consideration on learning relevant factors (class content & teacher) or less relevant ones (grade, course loading, & pass/fail). Students in their 3rd year seem to possess less faith in evaluating teachers than their 1st year counterparts. This paper argues that, while it is often overlooked in the rating process, the preparation of students to engage in the rating process is as essential as the psychometric property of the rating scales. |
起訖頁 |
185-210 |
關鍵詞 |
教學評鑑、評鑑知覺與行爲、預期理論、實質效度、assessment perceptions and behaviours、expectancy theory、student evaluation ofteaching、substantive validity |
刊名 |
測驗學刊 |
期數 |
201303 (60:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
「國民中學學生基本學力測驗寫作測驗」信度與效度分析研究 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
中文版「環境關懷量表」之分析 |