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Parents' Expectations and Preconceptions with Regards to their Young Children's Learning - Exploring Two Preschool Program
作者 劉慈惠
This qualitative study explored parents' expectations for, and ideas about, their children's learning in two preschool programs in Taiwan. The results indicate that parents' expectations strongly influence how they define and choose the "ideal school" for their children. Different parents weigh similar factors differently in making decisions, according to their particular value systems. They react to societal pressures differently and develop different ideas about how to establish a good foundation for their children. While the majority of parents in our targeted private school focused more on academic skills, the others focused more on the learning of social skills and development of personality. While some of the participating parents' ideas and expectations remained static, others went through a process of change. Thus it is clear that many factors interplay to shape parents ideas, which socioeconomic status does not necessarily play an essential role. It is urged that phenomena and strategies related to early childhood education need to be understood and developed contextually.
起訖頁 131-158
關鍵詞 幼兒教育父母期望與信念質性研究Early childhood educationParental expectations and preconceptionsQualitative study
刊名 師大學報:教育類  
期數 200604 (51:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 普羅大眾說出「創造力」的語言及其反映的思維:以2003年臺灣6-19歲社群為例
該期刊-下一篇 家庭因素對國小學童環境行為影響模式之研究




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