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A Study of Consumers on the Perception of Flexible Premium Variable Life
作者 陳佳波張阜民賴沂松
The functions of life insurance are to protect the survivors of the insured, reduce the impact caused by the interruption of family income sources, and achieve the function of maintaining social stability and harmony. However, the average life insurance insured amount per person in Taiwan is low. Except for someone think that they will not be so unlucky and do not want to leave money for others, many people do not arrange life insurance protection because of insufficient budget. However, life insurance protection is a very important part of insurance planning. How to maximize the benefits of limited resources is everyone’s concern issue. Among several life insurance products, investment insurance is actually a very economical life insurance tool. But the adoption rate of investment insurance is lower than traditional life insurance products. The reasons may be that insurance practitioners did not fully convey the rights, obligations and functions of investment insurance to consumers, which results in the consumers do not consider investment insurance products as their life insurance protection. This research explores the impact of consumers on the perceptions of investment insurance intentions. The results revealed that there is a significant difference in the acceptance of investment insurance between insurance solicitor and non- insurance solicitor; there are obvious differences between insurance solicitor and non- insurance solicitor in their perceptions of investment insurance; consumers' acceptance of investment insurance is significantly different before and after the interview. Obviously, consumers may be affected their willingness to purchase the investment insurance because they do not understand the function and structure of investment insurance. If consumers can understand investment insurance more clearly, the adoption rate of investment insurance should be significantly increased when consumers plan the protection of life insurance in the future.
起訖頁 29-44
關鍵詞 變額萬能壽險投資型保險認知Flexible Premium Variable LifeInvestment InsurancePerceptions
刊名 財金論文叢刊  
期數 202106 (34期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學財務金融系
該期刊-上一篇 庫藏股買回與企業權益價值錯價之關聯性
該期刊-下一篇 金融科技Bank 3.0前後期金融業效率與生產力之實證




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