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The Application and Effectiveness of Toy Checklist on Children With Developmental Delays
作者 謝協君何東墀
This study examined the effectiveness of a toy checklist applied on the children with developmental delays, aged 3-5 years old. Researcher constructed a toy checklist for parents of children with developmental delays to screen the appropriate toys for their children and to enhance the development of their children through the parent-child play activities. The theoretical base included dynamic system theory, cognitive theory, and behavioral theory. These selected toys have improved children's development from six directions: (1) sensory stimulation, (2) perceptual-motor integration, (3) fine motor activities, (4) cognition training, (5) repeated manipulation, and (6) parent participation. The reason of using the toy checklist was that parents could find out four appropriate characteristics of toys, which were sensory stimulation, perceptual motor, integration, fine motor, and cognition, through a developmental evaluation on the field of sensory, motor, and cognition in this toy checklist. The test-retest experimental design was used to collect the subjects performance on infant and toddler development test. Thirty-one children with developmental delays range 3-5 years old participated in this study. The result of 12 times of parent- children toy activities was showed the improvement on the development of cognition and motor abilities (gross and fine motor). No significant difference on language, social, and self-care abilities. In the future, concepts of adaptation should be used in toy therapy. The toy checklist could be used in further study of adaptation of selected toys to improve better play performance of children with developmental delays.
起訖頁 157-176
關鍵詞 發展障礙玩具檢核表動態系統理論Developmental delayToy checklistDynamic system theory
刊名 特殊教育學報  
期數 200806 (27期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 阿明的電腦夢:重度障礙學生輔助溝通介入之行動研究




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