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A Study of Career Counseling Program for Gifted Senior High School Students
作者 江明曄
The purpose of the research is to explore the characteristics of career development and counseling needs of gifted senior high school students. By examining the strategies and practices of career development provided by each school, the researcher concluded the career counseling program of gifted senior high school students. Through exploring the studies done before, the researcher found the several important characters about career counseling program of gifted senior high school students. The semi-structured interviews were conducted to 23 gifted students, 14 parents and 10 teachers. Data were recorded, analyzed, and interpreted. The results indicated that:(1) The career development characteristics of gifted senior high school students were 'multipotentiality', 'early emergence and foreclosure', and'perfectionism'. (2) The career counseling needs of gifted students were 'independent thinking and learning', 'diversified career exploration opportunities', 'social responsibility and altruistic spirit', 'reflections on the meaning of life',and 'pressure releasing '. (3) The issues of career counseling in public senior high school were 'self awareness', 'transition guidance', and 'career exploration', but the 'career goal setting skills' was ignored. (4) The interventions for career counseling in public senior high school were 'arranging speech', 'providing written information', 'offering experience sharing', 'implementing aptitude test and orientation counseling', 'planning career courses and group counseling', and 'holding the parent-teacher meetings'. (5) The content of career counseling program should include 'self-awareness', 'career exploration', 'career decision', 'values clarification', and 'career idea'. Special themes as 'career counseling for gifted girls and women ', 'parents education', and 'affective counseling ' should be took into consideration. At last, according to the results of the research, the researcher proposed some advice not only to do the further study but also to assist the practical job.
起訖頁 53-80
關鍵詞 高中資優生生涯輔導Gifted senior high school studentsCareer counseling
刊名 特殊教育學報  
期數 200806 (27期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 基模化電腦影片及動畫對聽障學生解算術金錢應用文字題成效之研究
該期刊-下一篇 教師導向教學法與同儕協助學習法之比較:並行處理設計之應用




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