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A Pioneer for Knowledge-based Economy : on Chang Chien
作者 孫順智
Chang Chien (1853-1926) was a native of Nant'ung, Kiangsu. In spite of the various works on Chang Chien, which testify to the significance of his role in modern China, “A pioneer for Knowledge-based Economy: on Chang Chien” is still not well- researched. The purposes of this paper are, first of all, to analyse “A pioneer for Knowledge-based Economy: on Chang Chien” systematically and clearly in the hope that it may become a useful reference for researchers on modern China, and secondly, to stimulate further research. This paper depends more on basic source materials rather than second-hand data. Among various source materials, Chang Chien's Diary, The Nine Records of Chang Chien and The Complete Works of Chang Chien are the most important. The main lines of “A pioneer for Knowledge-based Economy: on Chang Chien” may be briefly summarized as follows: (1) knowledge as basis of economy (2) knowledge and economy as basis of social change (3) social change as basis of political change (4) local self-government and public administration as basis of constitutional monarchy (or later, a republic). The ultimate purpose of Chang Chien’s thought is to make China wealthy and powerful. This paper is also for the purpose of discussing carefully the background to Chang Chien’s thought , the factors which shaped it, how it developed, what influence it had on his contemporaries, and its long-term impact.
起訖頁 77-102
關鍵詞 知識經濟儒家思想現代化實業地方自治Knowledge-based economyConfucianismModernizationIndustryLocal self-government
刊名 人文與社會研究學報  
期數 200910 (43:2期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學人文與社會學院
該期刊-上一篇 近代西方史學思潮變遷(1830-1980)




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