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Inquiry into Jürgen Oelkers' General Pedagogy
作者 梁福鎮
This study adopted the method of educational hermeneutics to investigate Oelkers' general pedagogy. It was affected by Kant's critical philosophy, Schiller's theory of aesthetic education, Dewey's pragmatism, Moore's analytical philosophy and Habermas' discourse ethics. Its contents includes inquiry into the connection between theory and practice, challenge and critique of anti-pedagogy, reflection about the paradox problems in education, the construction of educational ethics and evaluation of Dewey's pragmatism. Oelkers' general pedagogy has following advantages: first, address the method to connect theory and practice; second, criticize the mistakes of arguments about anti-pedagogy; third, point out some paradoxes in modern education; fourth, bring up the direction of construction about educational ethics; and fifth, reasonable to evaluate Dewey's pragmatism. But it has also some problems: it reduces abundant meanings of concept about education, its critiques about anti-pedagogy are not perfect and it lacks the real contents of his educational ethics. His perspectives can offer many implications for our education. It can be as references for connection of theory and practice, can as basis to criticize educational ideas, can help us to solve many paradoxes in education, can offer us as references to build educational ethics and can give us an example to evaluate Dewey's pedagogy. Even then, Oelkers' general pedagogy has many advantages; it can be as references for establishment of educational theory and improvement of educational practice for our country.
起訖頁 044-068
關鍵詞 歐克斯普通教育學反教育學Jürgen OelkersGeneral PedagogyAnti-pedagogy
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201312 (12:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-上一篇 教師專業發展的自我教育機制
該期刊-下一篇 中小學家長參與學校教育事務之法制分析




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