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Effects of Phonics Remedial Instruction through a Multisensory Approach on Low Achievers
作者 魏式琦 (Shyh-Chyi Wey)盧慧真陳淑珠曾豐仁
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of phonics remedial instruction through a multisensory approach on low achievers. Moreover, the participants´ perceptions and reactions to teaching activities presented in a multisensory approach were explored. An action research method was employed in the current study in which four fifth graders in Chiayi City were recruited as participants. The instruments included pre/post test, interview and classroom observations. The major findings are stated as follows. (1) The intervention improved participants´ ability in writing alphabet in sequence, recognizing 26 letters, and pronouncing individual consonants and vowels. (2) Activities presented in a multisensory approach were appealing to the participants. (3) When activities were taught in a multisensory approach, each participant found his/her learning styles satisfied. (4) Certain sensory modality might weigh more than others in a multisensory approach. (5) The participants seemed to learn more when their learning style matched to the focused sensory modality. (6) The strategy used in each sensory modality should be considered when a multisensory approach is adopted. Based on the findings, a multisensory approach is recommended to be implemented in any teaching practice, especially in remedial instruction.
起訖頁 63-102
關鍵詞 多感官學習,發音教學,補救教學,學習興趣Multisensory approachPhonics instructionRemedial educationLearning interest
刊名 教師專業研究期刊  
期數 201312 (6期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 於Google Sites進行國小五年級英文寫作與編輯
該期刊-下一篇 科學創造力研究課程之建構與教學實施成效




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