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Why We Should Research on the Consistency rather than the Effectiveness?
作者 郑兰琴杨开城
有效性研究一直是实践领域的热点话题,也是教育研究的重要切入点。古今中外大部分教育研究都在证明某种教育行动的有效性。有效性是指某种教育干预在某种研究情境下令当事人满意的程度。它也是近年来盛行的基于设计的研究(Design-Based Research,DBR)的关注点。然而,受制于学习者特征和学习环境千变万化等因素的影响,有效性研究难以重复、迁移和推广,也无法生成可证伪的知识。有效性研究终究在理论建构方面一无所获。因此,该文提出一种新的研究范式:以设计为中心的研究(Design-Centered Research,DCR)。与DBR不同,DCR强调一致性研究。一致性研究关注的是不一致的真实来源和缺陷分析,从而能够生成可证伪的知识。该文深入探讨了有效性研究与一致性研究的差异、一致性研究的一般过程和一致性的计算方法,以供教育研究同行批判和参考。
The research on the effectiveness is the central concern in the field of education. Most of studies seek to examine the effectiveness of interventions. The effectiveness measures the desired degree that is defined by researchers in one setting. The effectiveness is also the focus of Design-Based Research (DBR). However, the research on the effectiveness cannot be replicated and generalized. Falsifiable knowledge cannot be generated because of various learners’ characteristics and learning environments. It is very difficult to construct new theory through the research on the effectiveness. This research proposes a new approach, namely Design-Centered Research (DCR). DCR is very different from DBR, which puts emphasis on the consistency. The consistency focuses on the reason why it is inconsistent and aims to analyze the defect, thus falsifiable knowledge can be generated in this way. In addition, the differences between the research on the effectiveness and the consistency are examined in this study. How to conduct the research on the consistency and calculate the consistency are also explored in depth.
起訖頁 020-033
關鍵詞 一致性有效性基于设计的研究以设计为中心的研究ConsistencyEffectivenessDesign-Based ResearchDesign Centered Research
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201409 (332期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 技术时代教育哲学的拓展研究---兼论教育技术学与教育学的深度融合何以可能
該期刊-下一篇 中小学生信息化教学的学习体验调查




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