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Specialization Method on Teachers’ Education Technology: Theory and Practice
作者 曾本友
Educational technology includes physical and intelligent technology. Combining both in the level of experts will fundamentally change the status of classroom teaching , improve the service quality on educational technical of teachers specialization. Theoretically, given specialist teaching thinking, the quality of educational technology can be improved when coupling education with technology, and its services approach cab be positioned precisely. Specialization of tacit knowledge can be processed technically according to the stage theory of intellectual skills; Specialization of teaching wisdom and behavior model can be laid on the theory of classified handling technology basing on the expert teaching scenarios. Investigation from practice, processing technical of specialization on education pattern can be provided development path based on the asynchronous layered teaching method at the degree of three-dimensional teaching. Software development path of specialization can be founded by encapsulation technology on Moodle platform. Then ordinary teachers can construct their own educational technology as experts as long as they choose and reconstruct technical modules according to the principles of individual aptitude and learn it right.
起訖頁 046-050
關鍵詞 教学专家专家化技术普通教师情景化技术因材施教Teaching ExpertsExpert Technology Ordinary TeacherScenario TechnologyTeach Students in Accordance with Their Aptitude
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201407 (330期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 MOOCs在教育均衡中的挑战及应对策略
該期刊-下一篇 深度学习的目标与评价体系构建




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