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The Construction and Application of Teacher-Students Reading Model based on Learning Cell Platform
作者 吴娟 (Juan Wu)刘旭王金荣
Reading is vital to Elementary Chinese Education. The new curriculum standard advocates book reading, for it helps improving children’ reading and thinking ability, and gives them long-term moral and spiritual influence. Taking the advantage of Learning Cell Platform on dynamically noting children’ reading experience, facilitating wide and deep interaction and sharing outside class, and tracking children’ reading processes, a four-step teacher-students book reading model is constructed and operation strategies are given for each step. The four steps are, a) teacher-students read together, b) students read and think independently, c) discuss online and in class, d) reflect on the reading process. A practice research of this model is implemented in Chongwen Experimental School, Heilongjiang province. Judging by the results, wide and in-depth interaction, discussion, and sharing of reading on Learning Cell Platform are achieved; Students participate widely; Students’ reading interest increases largely; Students tend to be more self-disciplined and more active in reading than before; Some good reading habits and methods were cultivated. Results also show that students improved their extracting, inferring, perceiving, appreciating and applying ability in reading significantly. The difference in the former four abilities between control and experimental class is significant. Students who were weaker in reading made greater progress.
起訖頁 119-125
關鍵詞 学习元平台师生共读阅读模型整本书阅读Learning Cell PlatformTeacher-Students ReadingReading ModelBook Reading
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201407 (330期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 绩效视野中精品课程建设、应用与评价的研究
該期刊-下一篇 信息技术环境下 大学生个性化学习的研究




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