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On the Practice and Strategies to Expand the Social Service Function of Distance Education
作者 尹艳
In recent years, the state has invested large sums of funds in projects to implement distance education in rural primaryand secondary schools and strengthen the weak compulsory education status in rural areas, significantly enhancing the level ofinformation technology in rural primary and secondary education. In order to get the information technology to maximize its functionin the construction of new socialist rural communities, the rural primary and secondary schools in Deyang city actively expand thesocial service function of education by means of setting up an operation management system of information serving rural peopleand a management system oriented by the government and cooperated by departments of the society concerned. As a result, farmersand rural students can share distance education resources, get themselves promoted and make contribution to the construction ofnew socialist rural communities. The essay specifically introduces the practice and discusses the strategies that the social function ofdistance education was expanded in Deyang city.
起訖頁 134-137
關鍵詞 远程教育社会功能新型农民信息服务Distance EducationSocial FunctionNew FarmersInformation Technology Service
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201405 (328期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 信息技术支持下的教学质量监测研究
該期刊-下一篇 基于教务管理系统的数据分析工具的研究与设计




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