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Function Improvement of AMC and Implementing Mechanism Reform of AML on the Background of Institutional Restructuring : Inspirations from the Experiences of EU and Germany
作者 劉旭
On the background of institutional restructuring and functional transformation of the State Council in 2013, the Chinese Commission of Antimonopoly(AMC), which is as one of the departments of China’s State Council in charging of organizing, guiding and coordinating the implementing Chinese Antimonopoly Law, is facing on the serious questing, how to reform the mechanism for implementing Chinese AML in order to make the enforcement of AML more effective on the local level and in the regulated markets. EU and Germany, whose regulation and praxis have been influencing on Chinese AML, have to manager the similar challenger. It’s suggested that their experiences may inspire AMC by NDRC, MOFCOM and SAIC better, to harmonize their relationships with local executive authorities and the other departments in charge of regulated markets, to do systematic surveying and assessing of several markets, to balance the administrative enforcement of AML and the private litigation and to improve the chances and conditions for the experts to participate in the mechanism for implementing of AML. With such systematic and future-oriented reform, AMC could realize his duties written in Art. 9 AML efficaciously, contribute to the transformation of the government’s function and make positive conditions for the institutional restructuring of China’s State Council in the future, as it will lead to reshuffle executive authorities of the AML and AMC himself.
起訖頁 58-105
關鍵詞 國務院反壟斷委員會反壟斷法實施機制大部制改革歐盟競爭法德國《反限制競爭法》AMCImplementing Mechanism of AMLInstitutional RestructuringCompetition Law of EUGermany Act of ARC
刊名 经济法论丛  
期數 201306 (24期)
出版單位 中國方正出版社
該期刊-上一篇 論反壟斷執法相對人的程序參與
該期刊-下一篇 技術品性下的保險交易公平




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