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The Effect of Changes in Taxes Policy on Equity Prices: Adjustment Effect of Corporate Governance
作者 魏妤珊廖俊煌
Tax levy directly affects the returns on equity investment and company’s future cash flows, resulting in a significant impact on the capital markets within a shortrun. Corporate governance is one of determinant factors to the way on how tax levy affects the shareholders’ interests and company’s share price. By introducing corporate governance into the issue on market reaction of tax policy changes, this paper, using the event study, aims to explore abnormal returns of share prices caused by luxury tax declaration with a discussion of how the role corporate governance plays and its moderated effects on abnormal stock returns. The empirical findings show that, during the event period of luxury tax declaration, the share prices of companies in the construction industry are significantly negative against the cumulative abnormal returns, while the companies with better corporate governance demonstrate smaller negative impacts. The results further suggest that the shareholding ratio of managers moderates the relationship between tax policy changes and the cumulated abnormal returns of share prices. It is suggested that corporate governance mitigates the adverse impact of luxury tax declaration on share prices and plays a role of share stabilization. Thus, it is recommended that the company with the sound mechanism of corporate governance is a haven for investments when investors confront the unexpected shocks in the stock market.
起訖頁 205-232
關鍵詞 事件研究公司治理異常報酬奢侈稅event studycorporate governanceabnormal returnluxury tax
刊名 當代會計  
期數 201311 (14:2期)
出版單位 淡江大學會計學系
該期刊-上一篇 企業社會責任事件宣告與股價異常報酬之研究




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