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Promoting Junior High Students' Situational Interests With Multiple Teaching Strategies in Informal Nanometer-Related Curricula
作者 鄭瑞洲 (Jui-Chou Cheng)洪振方 (Jeng-Fung Hung)黃台珠 (Tai-Chu Huang)
本研究旨在探討在非制式情境下運用多元教學策略所開發的奈米科學課程促進國中生情境興趣的成效,並進一步探討不同興趣程度學生對教學策略提升情境興趣之影響及教學策略提升情境興趣之因素。研究對象為參與非制式奈米科學課程之台灣南部地區110 位國中生,研究工具為「科學學習興趣量表」及「情境興趣與教師教學策略問卷」,用以瞭解教學前後不同興趣程度學生情境興趣變化及其與教學策略之關係;課後訪談學生以瞭解教學策略引發學生情境興趣之因素。研究發現運用多元教學策略之非制式奈米科學課程主要能提升低興趣組學生之情境興趣(t =5.75, p =. 000, d =1.27),在分向度上,「維持性情境興趣—感覺」的提升大於「 維持性情境興趣—價值」(F =3.447, p =.011<.05)。參與學生認為提升其情境興趣的主要教學策略依序為動手做實驗、接觸真實情境、教具示範、舉生活實例及多媒體教學等,且低興趣組學生比高興趣組學生認為問題討論(F =5.838, p =.004<.01)教學策略較無法提升其情境興趣。課後訪談學生(N=18)發現「動手做實驗」可促使學生產生「參與」、「新奇」、「享樂」、「有意義」、「增能」及「探索」等多樣的因素,以提升其情境興趣。
Student interest plays a vital role in science learning. In particular, junior high students in Taiwan showed higher interest in informal than formal science learning. Thus, this study investigated the relationship of junior high students' situational interest and multiple teaching strategies in informal nanometer-related curricula and the source of situational interest. Two questionnaires were administered to 110 students and semi–structured interviews of selected students were conducted. The results showed that after implementing multiple teaching strategies in informal nanometer-related curricula, the junior high school students' situational interest increased, especially for low-level interest student group. The findings suggested that the students perceived the following teaching strategies to have helped enhanced their situational interests: hands-on activity, teaching aids demonstration, providing examples from daily life, and multi-media presentation; by contrast, the “question and discussion” teaching strategy was regarded to have a lesser effect in promoting situational interest for lower-level student group as compared to the higher-level student group. The results of the interview showed that while involving in "hands-on laboratory work," students felt a sense of novelty, instant enjoyment, meaningfulness, exploration, understanding, and achievement, which contributed to enhancing their situational interest. The findings suggested that teachers should adopt various teaching strategies for students with different levels to enhance student's situational interest.
起訖頁 001-028
關鍵詞 非制式奈米教學情境興趣教學策略informal nanometer-related curriculumsituational interestteaching strategy
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201312 (26:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 青少年線上閱讀素養評量工具之發展




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