英文摘要 |
For the past 30 years, Amartya Sen has been arguing for a version of the capabilities approach as an alternative approach to Rawls' theory of justice. More recently, he proposes a so-called-omparative approach to social justice to depart from what he calls the nscendental approach. This paper gives a critical view of Sen’s idea of justice. On the one hand, the core concepts in his version of the capabilities approach are extremely vague and indeterminate. He fails to provide a criterion to distinguish between valuable and trivial capabilities from the point of view of justice. His conception of freedom is too intrusive and cannot be a useful concept to develop an approach to social justice. On the other, he fails to provide a convincing argument against what he calls "transcendental approach" in that he is not clear about what transcendental means. He also fails to make a good case for the focus on people's behavioural patterns. So this paper concludes that his idea of justice need to be further developed in order to be justified. |