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費德曼《林肯畫傳》析論   全文下載 全文下載
An Analysis on Russell Freedman’s Lincoln: A Photography
作者 廖卓成
臺灣出版的兒童傳記數量相當多,寫得好的卻非常少,筆者曾撰文論述其中問題,並說明寫作應該注意之處。但對作家和讀者而言,具體的典範或許更有價值,所以本文選擇英文兒童文學界交口讚譽的費德曼(Russell Freedman)《林肯畫傳》(Lincoln: APhotobiography),試為分析,論述值得借鏡之處。本文主要採用比較法,一方面參考費德曼根據的材料,檢視其如何選用資料;為了幫助說明,筆者也引證費德曼的其他傳記作品。另一方面,對照其他林肯兒童傳記,凸顯費德曼的過人之處;同時,也援用敘事學的觀念,分析敘述者的態度。
Numerous biographies are published for children in Taiwan, many of which demonstrate narrative problems. Although the author previously wrote articles to reveal these flaws, highlights an excellent work as a model should benefit biographical writers. Therefore, Freedman’s Lincoln: A Photography was analyzed; the book was awarded the 1988 Newbery Medal, making it the first biography to receive such an honor.
Contemporary writers increasingly use pictures in their biographies for children, but few writers can achieve a narrative style that approaches Freedman’s level of excellent. Lincoln: A Photography was compared with other biographies of Lincoln that were written for children. Freedman completed extensive research before writing and chose suitable events for use in his books, he attracts the reader from the beginning of his story and his narratives regarding critical incidents excite reader interest. He clearly describes complex situations, and highlights the key points of extensive debates, maintaining a narrative distance from the story, remaining uncritical of relevant people, and inconspicuously guiding young readers. This style allows readers to familiarize themselves with the biographee in way that both respect the readers and deeply affects them throughout the narrative.
Writers have much to learn from Freedman’s Lincoln: A Photography.
起訖頁 171-192
關鍵詞 《林肯畫傳》兒童傳記費德曼Lincoln: A Photographybiography for childrenRussell Freedman
刊名 師大學報:語言與文學類  
期數 201309 (58:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學
該期刊-上一篇 韻圖的修辭—從命名隱喻看韻圖的設計理念及其歷時變異
該期刊-下一篇 四縣客家話音節首塞音嗓音起始時長之研究:孤立音節




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