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The Impact of the Story Telling and Talking on Preschool Children's Prosocial Moral Reasoning
作者 林芳菁 (Fang-Ching Lin)
本研究主要目的在於探討繪本故事講述與討論,是否能有效提升幼稚園幼兒之助人意願與利社會道德推理的能力。採用準實驗研究法,以臺南縣某一幼稚園兩班共39 名中班幼兒為研究對象,進行為期六週的實驗處理。將所得資料以t 考驗、單因子共變數分析(ONEWAY ANOCVA) 等統計方法進行分析。研究結果發現:(一)不同組別幼兒在接受實驗處理後,實驗組幼兒的助人意願顯著優於控制組幼兒,顯示故事討論能提昇幼兒助人意願表現。(二)不同組別幼兒在接受實驗處理後,實驗組幼兒的利社會道德推理階段顯著優於控制幼兒,顯示故事討論能提昇幼兒利社會道德推理能力。(三)實驗組幼兒在「幫助他人卻有損自身利益時,是否願意幫助對方」的問題情境中助人意願的表現顯著優於控制組。(四)實驗組幼兒在「與他人有競爭關係時」、「幫助他人卻有損自身利益時」的問題情境中的利社會道德推理階段表現顯著優於控制組。(五)幼兒助人意願的道德推理以階段二「需求取向」為最多,其次為階段一「快樂主義、自我中心取向」。
The purpose of the study is to explore whether the story telling and talking could lift the preschool children's helping and prosocial moral reasoning ability. The methodology is quasi- experience method. The experience involved 39 preschool children's subjects in two indergartens located in Tainan, processed six weeks long experience, and then went on statistic analysis such as t-test and ONEWAY ANOCVA etc. The main findings of this study were as follow:
1. After adopting experience process, the separate preschool children group shows that the experienced group's helping is apparently superior to that in controlled group. The finding displays that the story telling and talking might lift the preschool children's helping performance.
2. After adopting experience process, the separate preschool children group shows that the experienced group's prosocial moral reasoning ability is apparently superior to that of controlled group. The finding displays that the story telling and talking might lift the preschool children's prosocil moral reasoning ability.
3. In the issue of whether the subject is willing to help other when the helping would harms itself-benefit, the experienced group's helping is apparently superior to that of the controlled group.
4. In the issue of whether the subject is willing to helping other when the helping would incur competitive status and harm itself-benefit, the experienced group's prosocial moral reasoning ability is apparently superior to that of controlled group. ability is apparently superior to that of controlled group.
5. The most motivation for preschool children's helping willing is the need-oriented orientation. Then the motivation of and self-contered orientation followed.
起訖頁 107-127
關鍵詞 助人意願利社會道德推理故事講述HelpingProscial Moral ReasoningSstory Telling
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:教育類  
期數 201006 (24:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 臺中市國小學生的道德發展現況及相關影響因素之研究
該期刊-下一篇 國小社會領域實施問題本位學習對提升學童學習動機之研究




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