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A Prediction Model for Individual Decision Making Behavior under Fuzzy Decision Problems
作者 Hsiao-Ping Yeh (Hsiao-Ping Yeh)
Most decision problems are inherently fuzzy due to of unable precisely defined or the lack of enough information. Thus these decision problems can properly be formulated by fuzzy sets. Such problems differ from the traditional mathematical programming problem of maximizing a well-defined function over a set of alternatives represented by crisp values. However, when alternatives are represented in terms of fuzzy values, one important question remains: how can one choose one alternative from a given set of alternatives so as to achieve, in some sense, "the best" overall fuzzy value. Current fuzzy decision making methods do not account for subjective values of the decision maker. In this paper the concept of the decision maker's attitude toward fuzziness is defined and a new fuzzy decision making method is derived. The feasibility and validity of the new method is ascertained through experiments. Benchmarking with the indices of preference reversals revealed by the traditional expected utility theory, the new approach leads to better prediction of individual's actual choices.
起訖頁 125-134
關鍵詞 模糊排序喜好逆轉現象風險模糊態度風險態度Fuzzy Ranking MethodPreference ReversalFuzziness AttitudeRisk Attitude
刊名 Pan-Pacific Management Review  
期數 200307 (6:2期)
出版單位 義守大學
該期刊-上一篇 A Study of the Effectiveness of Performance Measurement for Total Quality Management Organizations
該期刊-下一篇 Information Sharing, R&D Collaboration, and R&D Subsidy in International Markets




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