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A Linguistic Approach to Constructing Fuzzy Numerical Scales
作者 Hsing-Chau Tseng (Hsing-Chau Tseng)Hsiao-Ping Yeh (Hsiao-Ping Yeh)
Fuzzy set theory represents an attempt to construct a conceptual framework for a systematic treatment of fuzziness in linguistic variables that are represented in terms of words or sentences. These linguistic variables are interpreted as fuzzy sets characterized by membership functions. Membership function can capture the human's quantitative meaning of such variables in order to handle such meaning for any machinery. To capture human's true meaning of words or sentences, constructing their membership functions is important for the success of applications. A new scaling method, named as fuzzy scale, is proposed. Fuzzy scale, built upon the Hersh & Caramazza's work, provides a simple and heuristic scaling method to capture the meaning of natural language.
起訖頁 419-428
關鍵詞 Fuzzy SetMembership FunctionsScalingLinguistic Meaning
刊名 Pan-Pacific Management Review  
期數 200008 (3:3期)
出版單位 義守大學
該期刊-上一篇 A Framework of Value Based Business Process Reengineering




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