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Moral Intensity and Ethical Decision Making of Marketing Professionals-A Comparision of American and Taiwanese Marketers
作者 Linda, FongLing Fu (Linda, FongLing Fu)Yi-Ling Lin (Yi-Ling Lin)Jacob Y. H. Jou (Jacob Y. H. Jou)
This study examined the differences of moral intensity as well as the influence of the moral intensity on ethical decision- making (EDM) between American and Taiwanese marketers. The instrument was adopted from Singhapakdi's [21]. As expected, American marketers got higher mean scores on all the components of moral intensity regarding the perceived potential harm. The components were magnitude of consequence, probability of effect, temporal immediacy, and concentration of effect. Cultural factors developed by difference between two societies. The relationships between the moral intensity to Hofstede [9] were used to explain the ethical perceptions and to ethical intentions were supported both by Singhapakdi [21] and by this research. That implied cultural factors affect people's ethical perception through the effect on their perceived moral intensity.
起訖頁 79-94
關鍵詞 Moral IntensityEthical PerceptionEthical IntentionEthical Decision Making
刊名 Pan-Pacific Management Review  
期數 199908 (3:1期)
出版單位 義守大學
該期刊-上一篇 An Alternative of International Brand Marketing: Regional Standardization on Strategic Components of Marketing Mix
該期刊-下一篇 Is Computer Network Retailing Trustworthy? A Survey of College Students' Perceptions in Taiwan




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