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Pan-Pacific Management Review 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Exploring Adaptation of Undergraduates: A Case Study on Factors Related to Their Learning and Career Planning
作者 Liang-Chih Huang (Liang-Chih Huang)Hsiow-Ling Hsieh (Hsiow-Ling Hsieh)
This paper discusses the related learning factors of undergraduates coming from different background with different individual schooling and life experiences in the Department of Industrial Management, I-Shou University. The purposes of the study are to compare the differences with the learning factors (self concepts, learning habits, learning attitudes, academic adaptation) and career planning from subjects' grade, gender, and admission category. The predictions of learning adaptation and career planning are also analyzed by other dependent and independent variables, respectively. Literature review and questionnaire survey are the methods employed in this study. Along with the research results and the accompanying explanation of those results, concrete suggestions are given to improve administrative strategies, classroom instruction, and student guidance.
起訖頁 271-284
關鍵詞 AdaptationUndergraduatesLearning AttitudesAcademic AdaptationCareer Planning
刊名 Pan-Pacific Management Review  
期數 199902 (2:2期)
出版單位 義守大學
該期刊-上一篇 Review and Prospects of Assessing Organizational Performance
該期刊-下一篇 An Optimal Algorithm for Linear Fractional Shortest Path Problem




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