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Empirical Tests of Pricing of Call Warrants: The Case of Taiwan
作者 David Shyu (David Shyu)
With good internal control design and execution, companies can prevent errors and irregularities. Yet with companies' periodic review of their internal control structures, these structures would definitely have the highest effectiveness. Because of the weak internal controls, many errors and irregularities now have found their ways into companies. To prevent such problems, legislative and regulatory bodies are making changes related to regulations including initial public offering companies evaluating their own internal controls and fully disclosing the evaluation results on the effectiveness or material weakness. People's opinions and thinking processes of evaluating internal controls do vary. With these differences, people will most likely have different outcomes on effectiveness internal control system or material weakness. To minimize the differences among auditors, investors, and certified public accountants' (CPAs) opinions, this study is designed to employ fuzzy multiple attributed decision making theories to develop an aggregated evaluation framework for public-held companies'. Finally, this study will score the evaluation results into several grades instead of existing dichotomy approach and will present management with an objective and easy method to effectively evaluate their internal control system.
起訖頁 65-76
關鍵詞 WarrantsOptions Pricing ModelHistorical VolatilityImplied Volatility
刊名 Pan-Pacific Management Review  
期數 199808 (2:1期)
出版單位 義守大學
該期刊-上一篇 Linking TQM, BPR, and Empowerment: A Field Study
該期刊-下一篇 A Study of Internal Control Self-Evaluation of Public-Held Companies




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