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中華輔導與諮商學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Survey Research of Kindergarten Children’s Dreams
作者 張治遙
本研究旨在瞭解幼稚園兒童重複夢境及夢魘的發生率,以及夢境的内容特徵。本研究訪談226位幼 稚園兒童,蒐集有效夢境250個,其中一般夢境133個,重複夢境49個,夢魘83個,同屬重複夢 境及夢魘的夢有15個。研究發現(1)幼稚園兒童重複夢境的發生率23%,夢魘的發生率45%; (2) 一般夢境以開心情緒最多’佔52% ;主要意象以父母最多’佔23%,夢境主題以家人一起玩或陪伴 最多,佔24%; (3)重複夢境以害怕等負向情緒最多,佔71% ;主要意象以鬼怪最多,佔36% ;主 題以「鬼怪騖嚇、攻擊或追逐」最多,佔39%;(4)夢魘情緒皆為負面,害怕情緒高達89 %;主要 意象以鬼怪最多’佔55% ;主題以「鬼怪騖嚇、攻擊或追逐」最多’佔55% ;以及(5)整體夢境 情緒以害怕最多,佔48% ;主要意象多寡依次是鬼怪、父母、手足、動物及朋友;主題多寡依次是 「鬼怪騖嚇、攻擊或追逐」及「家人一起玩或陪伴」;夢境發生地點以家裡最多;整體夢境中具有威 脅性的夢境佔60%,而在威脅性夢境中’兒童以獨自一人面對最普遍’因應方式以主動佔52%較多’ 夢境結局有50%成功脫離威脅。
The aims of the study were to understand the prevalence of recurrent dreams and nightmares, and content characteristics of dreams in preschool children. A total of 226 preschool children (age 5 to 6) were interviewed individually. The final250 valid cases were included in the analysis. The findings were as follows. (1) The prevalence of recurrent dreams and nightmares were 23 % and 45% respectively. (2) In terms of general dreams, the major emotion was happiness, and the most common dream image that emerged was parents (23%) with the most appearing theme as "playing with or being accompanied by family members" ( 24%). (3) In terms of recurrent dreams, the major emotion was negative (71%) , and the most common dream images that emerged were ghosts or monsters (36 %) with the most appearing theme was "being frightened, being attacked or being chased by ghosts or monsters" (39%). (4) In terms of nightmares, the emotions were all negative, where horror and fright ranked as the highest (89%) ; the most common dream images that emerged were ghosts or monsters (55 %) with the most appearing theme as "being frightened, being attacked or being chased by ghosts or monsters" (39%). (5) Among all dreams, the major emotions were horror and fright (48%); the most common dream images that emerged were ghosts and monsters, followed by parents, where the most appearing themes was "being frightened, being attacked or being chased by ghosts or monsters; the scenes that appeared most often was their own house; 60% of all dreams were threatening; and among the threatening dreams, the most common coping style is active, and 50% of the outcome of dreams are successful in escaping from the threatening situation.
起訖頁 001-023
關鍵詞 一般夢境兒童夢重複夢境夢內容夢主題夢意象夢魘children’s dreamsdream contentdream imagedream themegeneral dreamsrecurrent dreamsnightmares
刊名 中華輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201208 (33期)
出版單位 台灣輔導與諮商學會
該期刊-下一篇 國中學生情緒智力、因應策略與行為困擾間之關聯研究




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