英文摘要 |
In order to facilitate competition in the European energy market, thethird energy liberalisation package was announced by the European Commissionin September 2007. Since that time, much attention has been paidto the controversial introduction of ownership unbundling in the transportationnetwork and its implications for energy security, even though thepackage considers a wide range of issues relevant to the liberalisation ofboth gas and electricity markets. In addition, compared with the largeamount of literature investigating gas transportation unbundling, only afew preliminary studies have addressed the issue of gas storage unbundling.Based on the findings in these studies, there may be several challengesto implementing the functional and legal unbundling regime. Becausethe third Gas Directive has been passed and came into effect on3 March 2011, an evaluation of the potential implementation issues of thefunctional and legal unbundling in the storage sector is now relevant andtimely. To this end, we present four scenarios of the implementation in thestorage sector and eight scenarios of the implementation in LNG storagesector. This article contends that the complicated rules of functional unbundlingmay impede its practical implementation in the storage sectors. Inaddition, it challenges the effectiveness of legal and functional unbundlingin facilitating an open-access regime and suggests the introduction of aregulated third-party access regime instead. |