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Corpus, Lexicon, and Construction: A Quantitative Corpus Approach to Mandarin Possessive Construction
作者 Cheng-Hsien Chen (Cheng-Hsien Chen)
Taking Mandarin Possessive Construction (MPC) as an example, the present study investigates the relation between lexicon and constructional schemas in a quantitative corpus linguistic approach. We argue that the wide use of raw frequency distribution in traditional corpus linguistic studies may undermine the validity of the results and reduce the possibility for interdisciplinary communication. Furthermore, several methodological issues in traditional corpus linguistics are discussed. To mitigate the impact of these issues, we utilize phylogenic hierarchical clustering to identify semantic classes of the possessor NPs, thereby reducing the subjectivity in categorization that most traditional corpus linguistic studies suffer from. It is hoped that our rigorous endeavor in methodology may have far-reaching implications for theory in usage-based approaches to language and cognition.
起訖頁 305-340
關鍵詞 Discourse-functional GrammarConstruction GrammarQuantitative Corpus LinguisticsPossessionClustering
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200909 (14:3期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Automatic Recognition of Cantonese-English Code-Mixing Speech




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