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Effects of Collocation Information on Learning Lexical Semantics for Near Synonym Distinction
作者 Ching-Ying Lee (Ching-Ying Lee)Jyi-Shane Liu (Jyi-Shane Liu)
One of the most common lexical misuse problems in the second language context concerns near synonyms. Dictionaries and thesauri often overlook the nuances of near synonyms and make reference to near synonyms in providing definitions. The semantic differences and implications of near synonyms are not easily recognized and often fail to be acquired by L2 learners. This study addressed the distinctions of synonymous semantics in the context of second language learning and use. The purpose is to examine the effects of lexical collocation behaviors on identifying salient semantic features and revealing subtle difference between near synonyms. We conducted both analytical evaluation and empirical evaluation to verify that proper use of collocation information leads to learners’ successful comprehension of lexical semantics. Both results suggest that the process of organizing and identifying salient semantic features is favorable for and is accessible to a good portion of L2 learners, and thereby, improving near-synonym distinction.
起訖頁 205-219
關鍵詞 Lexical SemanticsNear-synonym DistinctionLexical Collocation Behavior
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200906 (14:2期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 An Exploratory Application of Rhetorical Structure Theory to Detect Coherence Errors in L2 English Writing: Possible Implications for Automated Writing Evaluation Software
該期刊-下一篇 A Corpus-based Study on Figurative Language through the Chinese Five Elements and Body Part Terms




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