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Hierarchical Taxonomy Integration Using Semantic Feature Expansion on Category-Specific Terms
作者 Cheng-Zen Yang (Cheng-Zen Yang)Ing-Xiang Chen (Ing-Xiang Chen)Cheng-Tse Hung (Cheng-Tse Hung)Ping-Jung Wu (Ping-Jung Wu)
In recent years, the hierarchical taxonomy integration problem has obtained considerable attention in many research studies. Many types of implicit information embedded in the source taxonomy are explored to improve the integration performance. The semantic information embedded in the source taxonomy, however, has not been discussed in previous research. In this paper, an enhanced integration approach called SFE (Semantic Feature Expansion) is proposed to exploit the semantic information of the category-specific terms. From our experiments on two hierarchical Web taxonomies, the results show that the integration performance can be further improved with the SFE scheme.
起訖頁 421-441
關鍵詞 Hierarchical Taxonomy IntegrationSemantic Feature ExpansionCategory-Specific TermsHierarchical Thesauri Information
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200812 (13:4期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Corpus Cleanup of Mistaken Agreement Using Word Sense Disambiguation
該期刊-下一篇 Automatic Wikibook Prototyping via Mining Wikipedia




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