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中文計算語言學期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on Consistency Checking Method of Part-Of-Speech Tagging for Chinese Corpora1
作者 Hu Zhang (Hu Zhang)Jiaheng Zheng (Jiaheng Zheng)
Ensuring consistency of Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging plays an important role In the construction of high-quality Chinese corpora. After having analyzed the POS tagging of multi-category words in large-scale corpora, we propose a novel classification-based consistency checking method of POS tagging in this paper. Our method builds a vector model of the context of multi-category words along with using the k-NN algorithm to classify context vectors constructed from POS tagging sequences and to judge their consistency. These methods are evaluated on our 1.5M-word corpus. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method is feasible and effective.
起訖頁 157-169
關鍵詞 Multi-Category WordsConsistency CheckingPart of Speech TaggingChinese CorpusClassification
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200806 (13:2期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Multiple Document Summarization Using Principal Component Analysis Incorporating Semantic Vector Space Model
該期刊-下一篇 Constructing a Temporal Relation Tagged Corpus of Chinese Based on Dependency Structure Analysis




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