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A Knowledge-Based Approach for Unsupervised Chinese Coreference Resolution
作者 Grace Ngai (Grace Ngai)Chi-Shing Wang (Chi-Shing Wang)
Coreference resolution is the process of determining the entity that noun phrases refer to. A great deal of research has been done on this task in English, using approaches ranging from those based on linguistics to those based on machine learning. In Chinese, however, much less work has been done in this area. One reason for this is the lack of resources for Chinese natural language processing. This paper presents a knowledge-based, unsupervised clustering algorithm for Chinese coreference resolution that maximizes performance using freely and easily available resources. Experiments to demonstrate the efficacy of such an approach are performed on two data sets: TDT3 and ACE05, and the ACE value coreference resolution results achieved through our approach are 52.5% and 55.2% respectively. An oracle experiment using gold standard noun phrases achieved even more impressive results of 77.0% and 76.4%. To analyze the causes of errors, this paper also looks into false alarms and misses in documents.
起訖頁 459-484
關鍵詞 Coreference ResolutionModified K-means ClusteringStacked Transformation-based LearningUnsupervised Learning
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200712 (12:4期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Automatic Pronunciation Assessment for Mandarin Chinese: Approaches and System Overview




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