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A System Framework for Integrated Synthesis of Mandarin, Min-Nan, and Hakka Speech
作者 Hung-Yan Gu (Hung-Yan Gu)Yan-Zuo Zhou (Yan-Zuo Zhou)Huang-Liang Liau (Huang-Liang Liau)
In this paper, a framework for integrated synthesis of Mandarin, Min-nan, and Hakka speech is proposed. To show its feasibility, an initial integrated system has been built as well. Through integration, a model only trained with Min-nan sentences is used to generate pitch-contours for all three languages, same rules are used to generate syllable duration and amplitude values, and the same program module implementing the method, TIPW, is used to synthesize the three languages’ speech waveforms. Also, in this system, each syllable of a language has just one recorded signal waveform, i.e. no chance of unit selection. Under such a restricted situation, the synthetic speech signals still have noticeable naturalness level and signal clarity.
起訖頁 371-389
關鍵詞 Speech SynthesisPitch Contour ModelTIPWTime Axis Warping
刊名 中文計算語言學期刊  
期數 200712 (12:4期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Modeling Taiwanese Southern-Min Tone Sandhi Using Rule-Based Methods
該期刊-下一篇 Some Studies on Min-Nan Speech Processing




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